
Research Tools

  1. Plagiarism
  2. Citation/References

1. Plagiarism

“Know everything about Plagiarism”

The resources in this section will provide an excellent opportunity for students and researchers to know everything about plagiarism. These resources will help them in finding answers to question about plagiarism and related issues.

What plagiarism is?
How to avoid it?
How you can check the originality of your work?
What is HEC plagiarism policy?
Which software and solution are being used for detection/prevention of plagiarism?

Explore the sources provided in this section and get answers of all these questions.

Plagiarism Policies and Laws

Software and Tools to Check Plagiarism

Still Puzzled?

And would like to know more about Plagiarism and related issues especially if you need to know about the originality of your research before the final submission……….

Contact with the library staff and we’ll check it for you…….

2. Citation/References

Citation, bibliography or references are mandatory part of a research work. These things are one of major requirements for a research work. This important information, provided at the end of a research work not only shows the originality of a research work without any plagiarism, but, also notifies the hard work and efforts put in by the researcher. The information and sources provided in this section will answer most of questions related to this topic like;

Which are different citation systems and styles?
Which citation style is used for which discipline?
Is there any software or solution available for referencing and citation?
Which free software and solutions are available for referencing and citation?

Citation Styles and Style Guides

American Psychological Association (APA)

APA style is used for Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences (for subjects like Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology etc.). This set of rules is sometimes also used by the students and researchers of Education and Business Administration.

American Sociological Association (ASA)

ASA style of citation is used by students and researchers of Sociology. APA style is fairly similar to APA style despite a number of key differences. So, you are better advised to confirm the style of citation which is preferred by your supervisor or a specific journal (either you are writing a thesis, doing an assignment or writing an article for a specific journals).

Quick Style Guide and Complete ASA Style Guide can be very useful for you.

American Chemical Society (ACS)

The ACS style is a set of standards for writing documents relating to chemistry, including a standard method of citation in academic publications, developed by the American Chemical Society (ACS).


CBE (Council of Biology Editors) changed to CSE (Council of Science Editors) in 2000, therefore it is referred with both names, sometimes as CSE Style and sometimes CBE style. As the name suggest this style of citation is used for Science Subjects.

Scientific Style and Format is the most recognized, authoritative reference for authors, editors, publishers, students, and translators in all areas of science and related fields.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

MLA style for documentation is widely used in the humanities, especially in writing on language and literature (especially in English studies; the study of other modern languages and literatures, including comparative literature; literary criticism; media studies; cultural studies; and related disciplines).

Chicago Manual/Turabian Manual

Most often used by students and researchers of Humanities and particularly by those of History. Sometimes it is also used for Social Science disciplines.
Turabian styles is almost identical to Chicago Style, however, Turabian Handbook interprets Chicago Style in an easy to understand way for stdents. The notes and bibliography style is preferred by many in the humanities, including those in literature, history, and the arts.

Research and Documentation Online

Research and Documentation Online will provide you examples of APA, MLA, Chicago, and CSE styles. In addition to this it will guide towards a complete sample research paper written in each style for reference.

Citation Software and Solutions

End Note

Millions of researchers, scholarly writers, students, and librarians use EndNote to search online bibliographic databases, organize their references, images and PDF in any language, and create bibliographies and figure lists instantly. Instead of spending hours typing bibliographies, or using index cards to organize their references, they do it the easy way by using EndNote! And EndNote Web is included with EndNote so you can collaborate with others easily.

Son of Citation Machine – Prepare citations online freely and quickly

Citation machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use. Just fill out a quick form and citation machine will create a citation for you. This will make you able to copy and paste these citations into your paper. MLA, APA, and Chicago / Turabian styles of citations can be created in just few clicks.

SourceAid – Experience citation builder online

SourceAid provides a citation generator for MLA, APA, Chicago, and CSE styles. It is very simple and easy to use, you just need to select style and it will start generating bibliographies.

Zotero – Available for free download

Zotero is a powerful free research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources (citations, full texts, web pages, images, and other objects. Zotero integrates tightly with online resources; it can sense when users are viewing a book, article, or other object on the web and on many major research and library sites find and automatically save the full reference information for the item in the correct fields.

Citeulike – Available for free download

Citeulike is a free service for managing and discovering scholarly references. It can easily store references you find online, discover new articles and resources, automated article recommendations, share references with your peers, find out who's reading what you are reading, and store and search your PDFs.

Connotea – Available for free download

Free online reference management for all researchers, clinicians and scientists.

  1. Save and organize links to your references
  2. Easily share references with colleagues
  3. Access references from any computer
  4. One click is all it takes
  5. Easy to use. Start creating your library today


ScholarWord is the leading style free formatting software for academic writing! In a recent survey, ScholarWord users reported saving an average of over two hours when writing their papers. ScholarWord has two main functions. First, it formats your entire paper according to any of the leading style manuals. Secondly, it seamlessly integrates comprehensive writing help to guide you step-by-step through any assignment. For free download visit the given link.


EasyBib is online free bibliography software; you can use the left hand side to navigate. As you'll see, each source includes a number of examples pointing out where a student can find the different things they need for their bibliography - titles, authors, copyright dates, volume numbers, and more. Currently the reference guide only covers MLA citations.

Still Confused?

How to cite resources and prepared references and bibliographies…..

Contact with the library staff and get your problem solved or use our “Citation and Bibliography Services”



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